Ten thoughts for 2020

A new year begins, and with it comes an opportunity to assess whether the correct areas were focused on in the previous year, and to create new suggested topics of interest for the year ahead. In the latest Verus Sound Thinking, our CIO, Ian Toner, CFA will try to do that, and in doing so will try to help investors prioritize shorter-term actions they might take, while addressing longer-term issues to improve their success. He identifies the following ten topics that are likely to be important during 2020:

  • 1. Relativity: OK looks bad next to awesome
  • 2. Earnings: The basis of equity returns
  • 3. Certainty: P(Income) > P(Capital Gain)
  • 4. Economies: Dory had the right attitude
  • 5. Rates: Low rates may be normal
  • 6. Brexit-it: The thump of falling shoes
  • 7. Politics: Not a betting matter
  • 8. China: Beta or alpha?
  • 9. Commodities: Spikes, bleed and diversification
  • 10. ESG: The value of clear thinking

Please note that the link to the podcast is a shortened presentation of the attached article. All references in the podcast to material events or market information are noted with citations in the attached article entitled ‘Ten thoughts for 2020’.