Priorities for 2019

Priorities for 2019

The start of the year is a good time to consider some of the likely key issues that investors may have to deal with over the next 12 months. In our latest Sound Thinking, our CIO, Ian Toner, CFA identifies the following eight topics that are likely to be important during 2019:

  • Volatility: It’s back
  • Central banks: Still central
  • Credit: Time to worry?
  • U.S. Equities: Are they cheap yet?
  • Diversification: Does it work?
  • Europe: Better off out?
  • China: Yes, it really matters
  • Focus: On what works

In this paper Ian outlines ways that investors might approach each of these topics, and identifies some of the ways they might impact portfolios over the year.


Please note that the link to the podcast is a shortened presentation of the attached article. All references in the podcast to material events or market information are noted with citations in the attached article entitled ‘Priorities for 2019’.